


3 Year Old Preschool


Morning- 7:50 ~ 11:10
Afternoon- 11:50 ~ 3:10


Morning- 7:50 ~ 11:10
Afternoon- 11:50 ~ 3:10


Morning- 7:50 ~ 11:10
Afternoon- 11:50 ~ 3:10

4 Year Old PreK


Morning- 7:50 ~ 11:10
Afternoon- 11:50 ~ 3:10


Morning- 7:50 ~ 11:10
Afternoon- 11:50 ~ 3:10


Morning- 7:50 ~ 11:10
Afternoon- 11:50 ~ 3:10

Each of our four classes are licensed for
fifteen students per class session.

Amazon Wishlist Classroom Supplies:

Age Requirements?

Children need to turn three or four years old before September 1st to attend the current school year.

*Unless they transition from Children’s Integrated Services due to a developmental delay then they can start just after their third birthday.

Act 166

  • There is no daycare provided at Leap Frog Nursery School just 10 hours per week as per ACT 166 law of preschool class activities, lessons, and enrichment.

  • As per ACT 166 regulations students from Vermont can attend tuition free. Leap Frog Nursery School contracts with the student’s supervisory union and that district pays the tuition to Leap Frog Nursery School.


Contact School for tuition cost if your residence is not in the state of Vermont (802)-287-1337

Special Education

  • Children that live within the Greater Rutland County Supervisory Union district can receive special education services such as speech, occupational therapy, or physical therapy within the classroom and at Leap Frog Nursery School.

  • Students that live outside the Greater Rutland County Supervisory Union and qualify for any of those services are still able to attend preschool at Leap Frog Nursery School however their services will take place within their district, often at the local school in the town in which they live, on a day they do not attend preschool at Leap Frog Nursery School.

  • If you believe that your child might qualify for special education services such as speech, occupational therapy or physical therapy or behavior intervention and they are not three years old already, you can contact Jaime Milazzo to discuss having an evaluation to determine eligibility. If eligible the student may be able to attend Leap Frog Nursery starting on their third birthday.

Additional Information

  • All expenses are included in the paid tuition. This includes classroom supplies, field trip admission and daily snack

  • Leap Frog Nursery School participates in several community service projects each school year to help students develop a sense of community belonging and become well rounded global citizens.

  • Parent teacher conferences are offered twice yearly in November and May. Open communication and other personal appointments with student’s teachers are always available throughout the school year as well.

  • Leap Frog Nursery School develops curriculum based on The Creative Curriculum, Second Step Curriculum, and student driven interest all of which is aligned with the Vermont Early Learning Standards. Assessments are done using the Teaching Strategies Gold system.

Field Trips